4:40 PM
Effect of Magnetic Field on Urca Processes in Neutron Star mergers
Pranjal Tambe
(Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics)
4:40 PM
Modeling a new "Clocked" X-ray Burster SRGA J144459.2--604207
Akira Dohi
4:40 PM
Complex-valued problem on FRG analysis of relativistic BEC
Fumio Terazaki
(Tokyo University of Science)
4:40 PM
Long-term supernova simulation with axion-like particles
Masamitsu Mori
(National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)
4:40 PM
Dineutron-dineutron correlation in 8He
Kosei Nakagawa
(Kyoto University)
4:40 PM
Compact Objects in Modified Gravity
Taishi Katsuragawa
(Central China Normal University)
4:40 PM
Ultra high energy cosmic rays in large-scale astrophysical structures: neutron production and implications for cosmic ray confinement and escape
Ellis Owen
4:40 PM
Prompt follow-up observation of the X-ray transient MAXI J1752−457 with the CubeSat X-ray observatory NinjaSat
Amira Aoyama
(Tokyo University of Science)
4:40 PM
Urca Pair $^{63}$Fe-$^{63}$Mn and its Impact on the Thermal Evolution of Neutron Star Crust
Hao Huang
(Institute of Modren Physics, Chinese Academy of Science)
4:40 PM
Application of the Accretion Torque Model to the X-ray Binary Pulsar A 0535+262
Toshihiro Takagi
(Ehime University)
4:40 PM
The impacts of nuclear reaction uncertainties on explosive nucleosynthesis of core-collapse supernovae
Nobuya Nishimura
(The University of Tokyo)
4:40 PM
The triple-alpha reaction at low temperatures by an exact three-body model
Masahiko Katsuma
(Osaka City University & Universite Libre de Bruxelles)
4:40 PM
Constraining of Nuclear Matter Equation of States with Rotating Neutron Stars
Hyukjin KWON
(Institute of Science Tokyo)
4:40 PM
Sensitivity Study of Type-I X-ray Burst To Nuclear Reaction Rates
Irin Sultana
(Central Michigan University)
4:40 PM
Nuclear properties at neutron-rich region
Kenta Hagihara
(University of Tsukuba)
4:40 PM
Mechanisms in production of evaporation residue for multinucleon transfer reactions with heavy nuclei
Kohta Nakajima
(Kindai Univ.)
4:40 PM
Impacts of multineutrons on nuclear compositions and neutrino reaction rates in core-collapse supernova
Tatsuya Matsuki
(Tokyo University of Science)
4:40 PM
Impact of internal-conversion X-rays and nuclear isomers on X-ray and gamma ray emission from neutron-rich ejecta in a binary compact-star merger
Shin-ichiro Fujimoto
(Kumamoto Kosen)
4:40 PM
Production probability of new superheavy element using dynamical model
Kosuke Kawai
(Kindai University)