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May 20 – 24, 2024
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Poster Session

The poster session will be held from 15:00 to 18:00 on May 21st in rooms Y206 and Y306.

Speaker: Dongwook Ghim

Title: 5d BPS quiver and KK towers

Abstract: We explore BPS quivers for D=5 theories, compactified on a circle and geometrically engineered over local Calabi-Yau 3-folds, for which many of known machineries leading to (refined) indices fail due to the fine-tuning of the superpotential. For Abelian quivers, the counting reduces to a geometric one, but the technically challenging L2 cohomology proved to be essential for sensible BPS spectra. We offer a mathematical theorem to remedy the difficulty, but for non-Abelian quivers, the cohomology approach itself fails because the relevant wavefunctions are inherently gauge-theoretical. For the Cartan part of gauge multiplets, which suffers no wall-crossing, we resort to the D0 picture and reconstruct entire KK towers. We also perform numerical checks using a multi-center Coulombic routine, with a simple hypothesis on the quiver invariants and extend this to electric BPS states in the weak coupling chamber. We close with a comment on known Donaldson-Thomas invariants and on how L2 index might be read off from these.

Speaker: Zhongjie Huang

Title: Differential representation for correlators, double zeros and analyticity of residues

Abstract: We present a differential representation for holographic correlators. This representation manifests a hidden property in the Mellin amplitudes which we called the double zero property, and we use the property to show the analyticity of residues in one-loop supergluon correlators.

Speaker: Naotaka Kubo

Title: Duality between ABJM and orientifold ABJ theories from A3=D3

Abstract: We study the duality between the ABJ(M) theory at Chern-Simons level k = 4 and the orientifold ABJ theory at Chern-Simons level k = 1 by using the three sphere partition function. By applying the Fermi gas formalism, we find that the theories can be embedded in A and D-type quiver theories. Then, the fact that the A and D Dynkin diagrams coincide when the rank is three leads to an exact relation between the partition functions of the dual theories.

Speaker: Jaeha Lee

Title: Universal asymptotics for high energy CFT data

Abstract: The universal formula for the density of states in a 2D CFT is well-known as Cardy’s formula. In 2D, we use modular invariance to interpret the high-temperature condition of the system. However, in higher dimensions, we lack a clear tool to address the high-temperature limit. In this talk, I will introduce the thermal effective action method, which can be applied to systems with small circle fibrations. Employing this method to systems with a small thermal circle allows us to derive a general-dimensional version of Cardy’s formula. Additionally, this method can be applied to a genus 2 manifold under specific conditions, yielding an asymptotic formula for the OPE coefficient with heavy-heavy-heavy operators.

Speaker: Rishi Mouland

Title: Black Holes from Quantum Mechanics

Abstract: I will discuss certain top-down examples of holographic dualities enjoyed by theories of supersymmetric quantum mechanics. The models in question are certain non-linear sigma models, whose superconformal indices can be computed by relevant localisation theorems. I will demonstrate how the entropy of corresponding BPS black holes can be precisely recovered by studying such indices, and also discuss the relation of these results to notions of holomorphic factorisation and gravitational blocks.

Speaker: Daniele Romano Pavarini

Title: Integrated correlators of defect operators and modularity

Abstract: Through localization techniques, it's possible to compute non-perturbative contributions to the integrated correlators of defect operators with local operators in N=4 SYM theory, we expect that these observables enjoy the properties of modularity which the theory conjecturally satisfies, we thus focus on the case of a Wilson loop and try to understand the minimal set of automorphic forms necessary to reconstruct the result. A description of the integrated correlator in terms of automorphic forms allows us to easily extract the answer for general dyonic loops, via holography this would tell us about the scattering of gravitons from dyonic (p,q) strings in type IIB theory.

Speaker: Hector Puerta Ramisa 

Title: Weight Shifting Operators in Super Grassmannian Spaces

Abstract: We construct novel differential operators that act naturally on superconformal correlators in general Grassmanian field theories, such as $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM. These are theories on a super Grassmannian space $Gr(m|n, 2m|2n)$ for all $m,n$, which include other cases of interest such as $\mathcal{N}=2$ SCFTs ($m=2, n=1$) in four dimensions, non-supersymmetric CFTs in diverse dimensions ($n=0$) and theories with compact $SU(2n)$ symmetry. Our operators relate distinct representations of the superconformal group in an analogous manner to the known non-supersymmetric weight shifting operators of \cite{KarateevKravchukSimmons-Duffin2017}. As an application, we show simple examples in 4d $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM and discuss applications to the superconformal block expansion of four-point functions of quarter BPS operators.

Speaker: Bo Wang

Title: All Next-Next-to-Extremal One-Loop Correlators of AdS Supergluons and Supergravitons

Abstract: We derive all Next-Next-to-Extremal one-loop correlators of AdS supergluons and supergravitons using differential representation. We also discuss som properties of these correlations.

Speaker: Mitchell Woolley

Title: Strategies for the numerical bootstrap with application to line-defect CFTs in 4D N=4 SYM

Abstract: We present an improved truncation scheme and non-convex optimization implementations for solving approximate conformal crossing equations. As an example, we apply these methods to a straight Maldacena-Wilson line-defect CFT embedded in 4d N=4 SYM, matching the bootstrability results of Cavaglia et al. to several decimal places. Our methods are applicable to any CFT, including crossing problems without positivity constraints such as n>4-pt. functions and non-unitary CFTs.