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Jan 27 – 30, 2025
Kyoto University
Asia/Tokyo timezone
Have a nice trip to Kyoto! See you soon!

Equation-of-state constraints from helium in kilonovae

Jan 29, 2025, 10:10 AM
Maskawa Hall (Kyoto University)

Maskawa Hall

Kyoto University

Kitashirakawa Oiwakecho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan
Invited talk Oral Presentation


Oliver Just (GSI Darmstadt)


Neutron-star mergers are excellent laboratories for stuying the properties of high-density matter. I will report our recent study modeling the imprint of helium absorption features in kilonova spectra, which revealed that the kilonova accompanying GW170817 likely did not harbor significant amounts of helium. I will discuss the implications of this finding for the lifetime of the neutron-star remnant and for the equation-of-state related properties of cold neutron stars.

Primary author

Oliver Just (GSI Darmstadt)

Presentation materials