X-ray bursts are frequently observed thermonuclear explosion events in the universe. Understanding their light curves is crucial for unveiling the properties of neutron stars. The shape of the light curve is sensitive to various nuclear reaction rates. It has been shown that the 59Cu(p,γ)60Zn and 59Cu(p,α)56Ni reaction rates have the most significant impact on the light curve. These reactions proceed via 59Cu+p resonance states in 60Zn, meaning that the spin-parity and decay branch ratios of these states must be determined. We measured the 58Ni(3He,n)60Zn reaction at RCNP and determined the spin-parity of three resonance states in 60Zn above the proton decay threshold for the first time. In this presentation, we will discuss the methodology, results, and future plans for the experiment to measure the decay branch ratios.