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Feb 17 – 21, 2025
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
Asia/Tokyo timezone


Time table

10:00 - 11:00DiscussionJevickiTakayanagi & HaoNoumiGalante
11:00 - 12:00CamargoBasakParkAnous
12:00 - 14:00 Lunch breakLunch breakLunch breakLunch breakLunch break
14:00 - 15:00YoonMiyajiZenoniChenDiscussion
15:00 - 16:00JahnkeBakDasSin
16:00 - 16:30BreakGong showGong showBreak
16:30 - 17:30TezukaPoster sessionPoster sessionLee
17:30 - 18:00   

Invited talks

  • Tarek Anous (Queen Mary U. London), "The Schwinger model: a case study in de Sitter QFT," PDF
  • Dongsu Bak (U. of Seoul), "Discrete bulk spectrum in JT gravity?" PDF
  • Jaydeep Kumar Basak (GIST), "A New Genuine Multipartite Entanglement Measure," PDF
  • Hugo Camargo (GIST), "Higher-Order Krylov State Complexity in Random Matrix Quenches," PDF
  • Heng-Yu Chen (NTU), "Exploring Complex Saddles and Geometries through Holography," PDF
  • Sumit Das (U. of Kentucky), "Comments on Time-dependent Backgrounds in 2d String Theory," PDF
  • Damián A. Galante (Kings College London), "Timelike boundaries in an expanding universe," PDF
  • Viktor Jahnke (GIST), "Operator Spectral Statistics, Chaos, and Asymptotic Freeness in Quantum Many-Body Systems," PDF
  • Antal Jevicki (Brown U.), "Matrix Thermofield at Large N," PDF
  • Bum-Hoon Lee (CQUeST), "Black Holes and Cosmology with the Gauss-Bonnet term," PDF
  • Masamichi Miyaji (YITP), "Aspects of Non-perturbative Hilbert Space for Gravity," PDF
  • Toshifumi Noumi (Tokyo U.), "Holographic Entanglement Entropy in the FLRW Universe," PDF
  • Jeong-Hyuck Park (Sogang U.), "Vacuum Solutions to Einstein Double Field Equation," PDF
  • Sang-Jin Sin (Hanyang U.), "Holographic mean field theory and its applications," PDF
  • Tadashi Takayanagi & Peng-Xiang Hao (YITP), "Bulk reconstruction of de Sitter space and Flat space from CFT," PDF, PDF
  • Masaki Tezuka (Kyoto U.),  "Sparse Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev-like models: spectral correlations and information scrambling," PDF
  • Junggi Yoon (APCTP), "Higher-derivative fermionic theories," PDF
  • Nicolo Zenoni (YITP), "Probing dS bubbles with holographic tools," PDF

 The abstracts of presentations can be found here

Poster presentations

February 18 (Tue) 16:00 – 18:00 (Yukawa Hall, Y206)

1. Gabriel Arenas-Henriquez (YMSC, Tsinghua U), "Generalized Fefferman-Graham and boundary Weyl structures"
2. Ivan Arraut (USJ), "Solving the Dark Energy problem via Symmetry constraint"
3. Chen Bai (KITS), "Note on multijoining quench"
4. Kosei Fujiki (YITP), "dS/CFT from AdS/BCFT with a localized scalar field"
5. Nguyen Hoang Vu (BLTP, JINR), "Color superconductivity in general dimensions via holography"
6. Abhishek Kumar Mehta (APCTP), "Ostrogradsky's formalism in Higher Derivative Fermions"
7. Chawakorn Maneerat (KCL), "Cosmological Observatories"
8. Weibo Mao (KITS), "Destroy an quasi-particle"
9. Alberto Maya (NU), "Noncommutative Hawking radiation"
10. Madhu Mishra (APCTP), "Unraveling the Mysteries of Inflation with Gauss-Bonnet Coupling"

February 19 (Wed) 16:00 – 18:00 (Yukawa Hall, Y206)

11. Arpita Mitra (POSTECH), "Aspects of entropy functionals and monotonicity along a RG flow"
12. Akihiro Miyata (YITP), "Quantum error correction and black hole interior with a gravitating bath system"
13. Debangshu Mukherjee (APCTP), "Emergent factorization of Hilbert space at large N and black hole"
14. Nakamura Nanami (YITP), "Large double trace deformation and AdS traversable wormhole"
15. Kota Numajiri (Nagoya U.), "Jackiw-Teitelboim Gravity and Lorentzian Quantum Cosmology"
16. Fumiya Sano (Science Tokyo/IBS CTPU-CGA), "Decoherence of the primordial perturbations and Maldacena's consistency conditions"
17. Hoseob Shin (KHU), "Integrated correlators of N=1* theory and holographic free energy "
18. Hiromasa Tajima (NU), "Information during inflation with stochastic approach"
19. Yusuke Taki (YITP), "Semiclassical saddles of three-dimensional gravity via hologaphy"

Space for two A0 posters per presenter will be provided. One-minute oral presentations will be given before the poster sessions. The abstracts of presentations can be found here.