2+1+1 flavor QCD equation of state with Highly Improved Staggered Quarks (in session "Seminar (4th week)")
$\pi\pi$ scattering on the lattice and its application (in session "Nishinomiya-Yukawa workshop")
$χ_{cJ}(2P)$ with hadronic molecules (in session "1-day Workshop (1st week)")
Analysis of bound and resonant states of doubly heavy tetraquaks as hadronic molecules (in session "1-day Workshop (1st week)")
Application of the Worldvolume HMC method to lattice field theories (in session "Nishinomiya-Yukawa workshop")
Applications of femtoscopy in studies of exotic hadrons (in session "1-day Workshop (1st week)")
Baryon-baryon scattering in SU(3)-flavour-symmetric QCD (in session "Seminar (1,2 week)")
Born-Oppenehimer EFT (BOEFT) for quarkonium, tetraquark, hybrids, pentaquarks and doubly heavy baryons (in session "Nishinomiya-Yukawa workshop")
Bridging two semiclassical confinement mechanisms: monopole and center vortex (in session "Seminar (5th week)")
Characterizing the nuclear models informed by PREX and CREX: a view from Bayesian inference (in session "1-day Workshop (1st week)")
Chiral EFT for nuclear interactions using gradient flow (in session "Nishinomiya-Yukawa workshop")
Chiral gauge theory on the lattice (in session "Seminar (5th week)")
Chiral symmetry in nuclear medium observed in spectroscopy of pionic atoms (in session "Nishinomiya-Yukawa workshop")
Computing mass spectra of gauge theories in the Hamiltonian formalism (in session "Seminar (5th week)")
Connecting quarks to the cosmos: The role of quark masses. (in session "Nishinomiya-Yukawa workshop")
Convex methods in quantum field theory (in session "1-day workshop (5th week)")
Correlations and the Analytic Inversion of the TOV Equation (in session "Seminar (1,2 week)")
D-Theory: Asymptotically Free Quantum Fields from the Dimensional Reduction of Discrete Variables (in session "Seminar (5th week)")
DbarN interaction from the HALQCD method (and scattering theory in the near-threshold region based on analyticity of the S-matrix) (in session "Nishinomiya-Yukawa workshop")
Diquark Mass and Quark-Diquark Potential from Lattice QCD (in session "Seminar (1,2 week)")
Doubly charmed tetraquark $T^+_{cc}$ and left-hand cut (in session "Seminar (1,2 week)")
Dynamics of different field theory models and applications (in session "1-day workshop (5th week)")
Effective range expansion with the left-hand cut (in session "Seminar (1,2 week)")
Emergence of New Systematics for Open Charm Production in High Energy Collisions (in session "Nishinomiya-Yukawa workshop")
Emergent Symmetries and Entanglement Suppression (in session "Nishinomiya-Yukawa workshop")
Equation of state in neutron stars from a bottom-up holographic QCD model (in session "1-day workshop (4th week)")
Examination of the $ \phi-NN $ bound-state problem with HAL QCD $ N-\phi $ potentials (in session "1-day Workshop (1st week)")
Exploring Exotic Hadrons: A Machine Learning Approach to Amplitude Analysis (in session "Nishinomiya-Yukawa workshop")
Exploring the hadronic interactions in three-body systems at the LHC (in session "Nishinomiya-Yukawa workshop")
Exploring the matter in the core of neutron stars (in session "Nishinomiya-Yukawa workshop")
Femtoscopic study of the $ \Omega \alpha $ interaction in heavy-ion collisions (in session "Nishinomiya-Yukawa workshop")
Fermion determinants on a quantum computer (in session "Seminar (5th week)")
First principles calculations of atomic nuclei for constraining the nuclear equation of state and neutron star properties (in session "Seminar (4th week)")
Formulation of SU(N) Lattice Gauge Theories with Schwinger Fermions (in session "Seminar (5th week)")
Four-dimensional equation of state of QCD matter with multiple chemical potentials (in session "1-day workshop (4th week)")
Framework for phase transitions between the Maxwell and Gibbs constructions (in session "Nishinomiya-Yukawa workshop")
From Lattice QCD to experimental data with the chiral Lagrangian (in session "Seminar (1,2 week)")
Gauging C on the Lattice (in session "Seminar (5th week)")
Generative modeling in neutron star physics (in session "Seminar (4th week)")
Grassmann bond-weighted tensor renormalization group approach to 1+1D two-color QCD with staggered fermions at finite density (in session "Nishinomiya-Yukawa workshop")
Gravitational form factors and Mechanical properties of nucleon (in session "Seminar (1,2 week)")
Gravitational waves from binary-neutron-star mergers and the equation of state (in session "1-day workshop (4th week)")
Higher partial waves in femtoscopy (in session "Seminar (1,2 week)")
Hydrodynamics of superfluid phases in neutron star inner crusts (in session "Nishinomiya-Yukawa workshop")
Index of lattice Dirac operators and K-theory (in session "Nishinomiya-Yukawa workshop")
Insights into molecular states and novel constraints for strange meson-baryon interactions with correlations at LHC (in session "Seminar (1,2 week)")
Instanton Density Operator in Lattice QCD from Higher Category Theory (in session "Seminar (5th week)")
Internal structure of $T_{cc}$ and $X(3872)$ by using compositeness (in session "Nishinomiya-Yukawa workshop")
Interplay between the weak-coupling results and the lattice data in dense QCD (in session "Nishinomiya-Yukawa workshop")
Introduction to Lattice QCD (in session "Lecture")
Introduction to Lattice QCD (in session "Lecture")
Investigating the $\Sigma$ potential in nuclear matter toward solving the hyperon puzzle of neutron stars (in session "Nishinomiya-Yukawa workshop")
Lambda(1405) in the flavor SU(3) limit from lattice QCD (in session "Nishinomiya-Yukawa workshop")
Lattice QCD applications of optimised meson operators in the distillation framework (in session "Nishinomiya-Yukawa workshop")
Lattice QCD studies of Hadron interactions from the HAL QCD method (in session "Seminar (1,2 week)")
Lattice Weyl Fermion on a single spherical domain-wall 1 (in session "Seminar (5th week)")
Lattice Weyl Fermion on a single spherical domain-wall 2 (in session "Seminar (5th week)")
Learning Hadron Interactions from Lattice QCD and Femtoscopy (in session "Nishinomiya-Yukawa workshop")
Lectures on dense baryonic matter: from quarks to nuclei and neutron stars (in session "Lecture")
Lectures on dense baryonic matter: from quarks to nuclei and neutron stars (in session "Lecture")
Lectures on Lattice QCD study of Hadron interactions (in session "Lecture")
Lectures on Lattice QCD study of Hadron interactions (in session "Lecture")
Lee-Yang zeros for locating a critical point (in session "Nishinomiya-Yukawa workshop")
Machine learning on exotic hadrons (in session "Seminar (1,2 week)")
Mass and Interaction of $1^+$ Diquark and Charm Quark in $\Sigma_c$ (in session "1-day Workshop (1st week)")
Modelling QCD in Coulomb Gauge (in session "Seminar (1,2 week)")
Modern theory of nuclear forces (in session "Lecture")
Modern theory of nuclear forces (in session "Lecture")
Modified homotopy approach for diffractive production in the saturation region (in session "1-day Workshop (1st week)")
Non Abelian Lattice Gauge Theories: From Quantum Simulation to Ergodicity (in session "Seminar (5th week)")
Nonrelativistic Effective field theories of QCD with application to the study of XYZ exotics states (in session "Lecture")
Nonrelativistic Effective field theories of QCD with application to the study of XYZ exotics states (in session "Lecture")
Novel Lattice Formulation of 2D Chiral Gauge Theory via Bosonization (in session "Seminar (5th week)")
Nuclear matter and neutron stars in the Sakai-Sugimoto model (in session "1-day workshop (4th week)")
Nucleon polarizabilities, nucleon-pion scattering and pion electroweak production from lattice QCD (in session "Seminar (1,2 week)")
One-pion exchange potential in a strong magnetic field (in session "1-day Workshop (1st week)")
Parton Distributions from Lattice and Impacts on Global QCD analysis (in session "Nishinomiya-Yukawa workshop")
Persistent order and beyond-BKT phase transitions (in session "Seminar (5th week)")
Phases of matter in systems with a discrete 1-form symmetry and the role of monopoles and center vortices (in session "Seminar (5th week)")
Pion and Kaon structure in light front dynamics (in session "Seminar (1,2 week)")
Pions in nuclear and neutron star matter and the effective chiral Lagrangian. (in session "Seminar (1,2 week)")
Possibility of phase transition on superfluid vortex under Higgs-confinement crossover (in session "Seminar (4th week)")
QCD in the chiral SU(3) limit from baryon masses on Lattice QCD ensembles (in session "Seminar (1,2 week)")
QED in two spatial dimensions: study confinement with quantum computing (in session "Seminar (5th week)")
Quantum computing of shear viscosity for 2+1D SU(2) gauge theory (in session "1-day workshop (5th week)")
Quantum Many-Body Scars in 2+1D Gauge Theories (in session "Seminar (5th week)")
Quantum Simulation of Real-Time Dynamics in Particle Physics (in session "1-day workshop (5th week)")
Quantum simulation of string-breaking in SU(2)k lattice gauge theory (in session "Seminar (5th week)")
Quantum Simulations of the Schwinger Model: from vacuum to dense matter (in session "Seminar (5th week)")
Quark number susceptibility and conserved charge fluctuation for (2+1)-flavor QCD with Möbius domain wall fermions (in session "Seminar (4th week)")
Reaching percolation and confromal limits in neutron stars (in session "1-day workshop (4th week)")
Recent highlights and future prospects of hypernuclear physics at J-PARC (in session "Seminar (1,2 week)")
Reconciling the HESS J1731-347 constraints with Parity doublet model (in session "1-day workshop (4th week)")
Simulating Floquet prethermalization of lattice gauge theory using superconducting qubits (in session "1-day workshop (5th week)")
Simulating Floquet scrambling circuits on trapped-ion quantum computers (in session "1-day workshop (5th week)")
Stabilised Wilson fermions -- from large-scale to master-field simulations (in session "Nishinomiya-Yukawa workshop")
Strongly coupled dynamics of quantum field theory and topologies (in session "Nishinomiya-Yukawa workshop")
Structures of exotic hadrons from heavy ion collisions (in session "Seminar (1,2 week)")
Studies of Heavy dibaryons and QCD topology from Lattice QCD (in session "Nishinomiya-Yukawa workshop")
Study of Chiral and Axial symmetry in $N_f=2$ QCD using Mobius Domain Wall Fermions (in session "Nishinomiya-Yukawa workshop")
Study of multiquark states based on effective models (in session "Nishinomiya-Yukawa workshop")
Study on hadron-hadron interaction with femtoscopic technique (in session "Seminar (1,2 week)")
Superfluids of parity-doubled baryons in neutron stars (in session "1-day workshop (4th week)")
Surprises on the way to the QCD phase diagram (in session "Seminar (4th week)")
Tensor Networks for Gauge Theories (in session "Nishinomiya-Yukawa workshop")
The dispersive approach to nonperturbative QCD (in session "Nishinomiya-Yukawa workshop")
The Effect of Isovector Scalar Meson on Neutron Star Matter Based on a Parity Doublet Model (in session "1-day workshop (4th week)")
The Inevitable Quark Three-Body Force and its Implications for Exotic States (in session "Seminar (4th week)")
The phi-N and phi-nucleus interaction from theory and experiment (in session "Nishinomiya-Yukawa workshop")
The QCD phase diagram at finite temperature and baryochemical potential from the lattice (in session "Seminar (4th week)")
The theta angle dependence of the metastable vacuum energy in 2d $\mathbb{C}P^{N-1}$ model (in session "Seminar (5th week)")
The three-body $DD^*K$ system on the lattice (in session "1-day Workshop (1st week)")
Threshold cusp structures in multi-channel scattering (in session "Nishinomiya-Yukawa workshop")
Toward Quantum Simulating the Strong Force (in session "Nishinomiya-Yukawa workshop")
Towards quantum simulating QCD: loop string hadron approach (in session "Seminar (5th week)")
Two-color QCD as a laboratory of cold and dense matter (in session "1-day workshop (4th week)")
Update on the strong coupling alpha_s (in session "Seminar (1,2 week)")
User driven quantum simulations with Rydberg atoms (in session "1-day workshop (5th week)")
Utilizing Twisted Boundary Conditions to Determine DD* Scattering Phase Shifts (in session "1-day Workshop (1st week)")
Veneziano's ghost and the chiral phase transition. (in session "Nishinomiya-Yukawa workshop")
What we learned about heavy-quark hadronization in small and large collision systems (in session "Seminar (4th week)")
Where we are in understanding parton distributions from first principles (in session "Seminar (1,2 week)")
Z3 lattice gauge theory as a toy model of QCD (in session "Seminar (5th week)")
Include materials from selected contributions