Please make reservations of your accommodation by yourself, unless otherwise informed. (The guests at "Kitashirakawa Gakusha" will be selected by the organizers. Please do not apply for the accommodation at "Kitashirakawa Gakusha" by yourself.)
You can also find some information in "Accommodations" in the YITP webpage. We note that Oct-Nov is high season in Kyoto and we recommend that you will make the reservations at your earliest convenience.
YITP will contact invited speakers who receive local expenses, so you do not need to make your own reservations.
--!! NOTICE !! --
Please be careful of fraud by someone who pretends to work in a travel agency. They may try to steal your credit card number. You will not be directly contacted by any travel agencies. If you are contacted by any suspicious agency or persons, please check with organizers.
Please ignore any emails that claim to be related to HHIQCD2024 but don't come from the domain,, or from a member of the Local Organizing Committee.