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October 14, 2024 to November 15, 2024
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Possibility of phase transition on superfluid vortex under Higgs-confinement crossover

Nov 8, 2024, 12:00 PM
Panasonic Auditorium, Yukawa Hall (YITP)

Panasonic Auditorium, Yukawa Hall


4th week (Nuclear matter under extreme conditions) Seminar (4th week)


Dan Kondo


At finite densities of three-flavor QCD, a hadron (confinement) superfluid phase is expected to be realized at low densities, and a color superconducting (Higgs) phase at high densities. It is not well understood whether these two phases are connected with or without a phase transition. In this talk, we consider the Higgs-confinement transition with superfluidity in a $\mathrm{U}(1) \times \mathrm{U}(1)$ lattice model is a simple model. We found that a phase transition occurs on a superfluid vortex, although the bulk system does not exhibit a phase transition. We confirm this phase transition through analytical calculations using weak/strong coupling expansion and Monte Carlo simulations. We also discuss possible scenarios for QCD.

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