We show the production systematics of open charm hadron yields in high-energy collisions and their description based on the Statistical Hadronization Model. The rapidity density of $D^0, D^+, D^{*+}, D_s^+$ mesons and $\Lambda_c^+$ baryons in heavy ion and proton-proton collisions is analyzed for different collision energies and centralities.
The Statistical Hadronization Model is extended to open charm production in minimum-bias and high-multiplicity pp collisions. In this context, we use the link between the rapidity density of open charm hadron yields, $dN_i/dy$, and the rapidity density of charm-anticharm quark pairs, $dN_{c\bar c}/d\eta$ to demonstrate that, in pp, pA and AA collisions, $dN_i/dy$ scales in leading order with $dN_{c\bar c}/d\eta$ and the slope coefficient is quantified by the appropriate thermal density ratio calculated at the chiral crossover temperature, $T_c=156.5$ MeV.
It is also shown that, in high energy collisions and within uncertainties, $dN_i/dy$ exhibits a power law scaling with the charged-particle pseudo-rapidity density. Furthermore, presently available data on different ratios of open charm rapidity densities in high-energy collisions are independent of collision energy and system size, as expected in the Statistical Hadronization Model.