Torsten Zache
(Innsbruck University & IQOQI)
Simulating dynamical properties of non-abelian gauge theories is considered to be an ideal target for quantum computers.
In this talk, I will present recent progress toward simulating a confining flux string and its breaking due to creation of dynamical charges in a minimal setup. Our proposal is based on a q-deformed formulation of SU(2) lattice gauge theory, truncating the gauge group to SU(2)k. Focusing on small k and a ladder geometry, I will show how this enables an efficient implementation on qudit architectures. Together with explicit gate decompositions tailored to existing trapped-ion hardware, our work paves the way for digital simulations of string-breaking in a non-abelian gauge theory.
Primary author
Torsten Zache
(Innsbruck University & IQOQI)