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Aug 19 – 23, 2024
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Species scale in one-loop correction

Aug 21, 2024, 3:45 PM
湯川記念館2,3階 (基礎物理学研究所)



ポスター発表 ポスター2


Yuri Michinobu (Yukawa Institute for theoretical physics, Kyoto university)


The species bound, a swampland conjecture, suggests that the cutoff of quantum gravity in an effective field theory coupled to a number of light fields is significantly lower than the Planck scale. At first glance, this suggests that higher curvature terms would be suppressed by this lower scale. However, our findings indicate that this may not be the case in the decompactification limit. This result offers insights into Gregory-Laflamme instability.

Primary author

Yuri Michinobu (Yukawa Institute for theoretical physics, Kyoto university)

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