The next generation of colliders offers exciting new opportunities to explore the Standard Model and beyond, pushing energy and precision frontiers to new heights, thus making electroweak processes such as WW-fusion become increasingly important. However, such processes may be mediated by photons whose collinear emissions cause divergences, making computations using event generators difficult....
Starting from a conformal model for the type-one seesaw, we use functional matching to integrate out a heavy scalar singlet completely at the one-loop level. Before integration, the vacuum expectation value of the heavy scalar singlet generates a mass for the heavy right-handed neutrinos and modifies the Higgs potential. The one-loop level matching results in meaningful modifications to the...
We perform global fits of the Higgs boson couplings to the full Higgs datasets collected at the LHC with the integrated luminosities per experiment of approximately 5/fb at 7 TeV, 20/fb at 8 TeV, and up to 139/fb at 13 TeV. Our combined analysis based on the experimental signal strengths used in this work and the theoretical ones elaborated for our analysis reliably reproduce the results in...
The species bound, a swampland conjecture, suggests that the cutoff of quantum gravity in an effective field theory coupled to a number of light fields is significantly lower than the Planck scale. At first glance, this suggests that higher curvature terms would be suppressed by this lower scale. However, our findings indicate that this may not be the case in the decompactification limit. This...
We calculate helicity amplitudes for $e^-e^+\to W^-W^+$ analytically in the Feynman-diagram (FD) gauge. We show that, unlike in the unitary gauge, there is no energy growth of the individual Feynman amplitudes for the longitudinally polarized W bosons, and the contributions from the associated Goldstone bosons are manifest even without taking the high-energy limit. We also find that the...
Gravitational waves sourced by binaries have long wavelengths that are in some cases comparable to Schwarzschild radius of low-mass halo or supermassive black holes. Wave effects due to their long wavelengths play an important role in investigating small-scale mass distributions reflecting dark matter natures. Studies of such effects often neglect the polarization of gravitational waves and...
アクシオンは星の進化の様々な段階で観測されている冷却異常を説明する新たな冷却機構を与える事が知られている。あらゆる宇宙観測の制限や理論的整合性を満たしかつこのような冷却異常を説明できるアクシオン模型(変形DFSZアクシオン模型)はフレーバーを破る湯川結合を要求する。この種の湯川結合における特徴的な予言は、125GeVヒッグスボソンのlepton flavor violationg...