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Aug 19 – 23, 2024
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Supertransformation of massless higher-spin gauge supermultiplet in nonlinear supersymmetric general relativityityyNLSGRT

Aug 21, 2024, 3:45 PM
湯川記念館2,3階 (基礎物理学研究所)



ポスター発表 ポスター2


Kazunari Shima (Saitama Institute of Technology)



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Considering (unstable) Riemann space-time whose tangent space possesses
NLSUSY structure specified by the Grassmann coordinates $\psi_{\alpha}$ for SL(2,C) and the ordinary Minkowski coorddinates $x^{a}$ for SO(1,3). we can
construct the unified vierbein ${w^{a}}_{\mu}$ which enables the the ordinary geometric argument of the general relativity(GR) principle
%on such (unstable) Riemann space-time%
and obtain straightforwardly a new Einstein-Hilbert(EH)-type NLSUSY-invariant action
$L_{NLSGR}=\vert w \vert (R(w)+\Lambda)$ (Nonlinear-supersymmertric general relativity theory(NLSGR)) equipped with the cosmological term and the
promising gauge symmetries.
%. ith the cosmological term.
Due to the NLSUSY structure of space-time $L_{NLSGR}$ would breaks down
(called {\it Big Collapse}) spontaneously to ordinary EH action of graviton,
NLSUSY action of Nambu-Goldstone(NG) fermion $\psi^{i}, i=1.2,..,N$
(called {\it superon}) and their gravitational interaction called {\it superon-graviton action} $L_{SGM}(e,\psi)$. \
\ \ \ \ Simultaneously the universal attractive force graviton would dictates the evolution (vacuum) of $L_{SGM}$ by producing the all possible gravitational composites of superons which corresponds to the (massless ) eigenstates of the linear SUSY(LSUSY) SO(N) super-Poincare(sP) algebra of space-time symmetry, which can be regarded as the ignition of the Big Bang (model) of the universe and gives a new paradigm for the supersymmetric unification of space-time and matter.
%To elucidate the transition(trancation) from NLSUSY(NLSGR) to LSUSY(SUGRA)
By the systematic linearization of NLSUSY we show in the toy model that the standard model(SM) of the low energy particle physics can emerge in the (flat space) true vacuum of $L_{NLSGR}$,, where all particles are the (massless) superon-composite eigenstates of LSUSY superalgebra. \
%By the speculative arguments we show that
NLSGR/ SGM paradigm can bridge naturally the cosmology and the low energy particle physics, which provides new insights into unsolved problems of cosmology, SM and mysterious relations between them, e.g. the space-time dimension four, the origin of SUSY breaking, the dark energy and the dark matter, the dark energy density$\approx(neutrino \ mass)^{4}$, the tiny neutrino mass, the three-generations structure of quarks and leptons, the rapid expansion of space-time, the magnitude of the bare gauge coupling constant, the picture of black hole etc. \
Towards the direct linearization of N=10 NLSGR the supertransformation of
higher-spin massless gauge supermultiplet is discussed. \

All results are published separately in letters.
For more details: K. Shima, Invited talk at Conference on Cosmology, Gravitational Waves and Particles ,2017, NTU, Singapore (Uploaded at YouTube by IAS). Proceedings of CCGWP, ed. Harald Fritzsch, (World Scientific, Singapore, 2017), 301. \
K. Shima、Preliminary temporal report: arXiv:2012.01646hep-th



Primary author

Kazunari Shima (Saitama Institute of Technology)

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