Important Notice!
The workshop does NOT ask any travel agents to contact participants about their itineraries. If you receive such an email, it is most likely a scam email. Please do not respond to such emails.
In addition, we do NOT provide financial support for accommodation or travel expenses for general participants.
[Registration fee]
The registration fee is free. We will have a coffee break once a day on weekdays.
[Venue and conference office]
The workshop venue is the Panasonic Auditorium, Yukawa Hall, YITP. Please see here for the access.

The conference office is Y106, the same building as the venue. Please register at Y106, and get your name tag and a conference bag.
Registration opens at 9:00 on the 2nd. It is usually open from 9:00 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 16:00 on weekdays.
The main entrances of the YITP buildings (Yukawa Hall and Research Building) are open from 8:00 to 18:00. If you enter the building of YITP at night-time or early morning or on weekends, please use your entrance card key which is common to both buildings. Note that the buildings are always locked during the weekend.
[Wifi information at YITP]
The "eduroam" is available. Other wifi is also available (ID and password are provided on-site).