Jishnu Goswami
(RIKEN Center for Computational Science)
We explore the phase diagram of (2+1)-flavour QCD through the fluctuations of conserved charges calculated with Möbius domain-wall Fermions (MDWF). We present quark number susceptibilities and conserved charge fluctuations at pion masses around 220 MeV and 135 MeV for aspect ratios of lattices LT=2 and LT=3, respectively. Results are compared with the previous works by HotQCD and Wuppertal-Budapest collaborations obtained with the staggered quarks.
Primary author
Jishnu Goswami
(RIKEN Center for Computational Science)
Hidenori Fukaya
(Osaka University)
Issaku Kanamori
(Riken - R-CCS)
Shoji Hashimoto
(KEK - Sokendai)
Takashi Kaneko
Yasumichi Aoki
(Riken - R-CCS)
Yoshifumi Nakamura
(Riken - R-CCS)
Yu Zhang