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October 14, 2024 to November 15, 2024
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Gauging C on the Lattice

Nov 12, 2024, 2:00 PM
Panasonic Auditorium, Yukawa Hall (YITP)

Panasonic Auditorium, Yukawa Hall


5th week (Formal developments and other frontiers in lattice QCD) Seminar (5th week)


Theo Jacobson (University of California, Los Angeles)


We will discuss general aspects of charge conjugation symmetry in Euclidean lattice field theories including its dynamical gauging. As an application, we construct O(2) gauge theory on the lattice using a non-abelian generalization of the Villain formulation. This lattice discretization preserves a myriad of generalized global symmetries of the continuum theory, and we describe how to construct the associated symmetry operators and discuss their implications and associated selection rules.

Primary author

Theo Jacobson (University of California, Los Angeles)

Presentation materials