Research on hypernuclei plays an essential role in answering how the hierarchy of nuclei is constructed from quarks. We are going to review the recent achievements in hypernuclear programs in J-PARC. One of the recent achievements is the realization of an accurate hyperon-nucleon scattering experiment. The differential cross sections of the Σ+p, Σ−p elastic scatterings and Σ−p → Λn inelastic scattering have been measured with drastically improved accuracy. These new data will become essential inputs to improve the theories of the two-body baryon-baryon interaction. Another achievement is the big progress of research on the double hypernuclei. A lot of information on double Λ hypernuclei and Ξ hypernuclei has been accumulated through the observation of the double hypernuclear events in the nuclear emulsion in the series of experiments at KEK and J-PARC. Other experiments to study S=-2 system were also carried out and the analysis is ongoing. In presentation, the progress of the hypernuclear program in J-PARC is presented with a focus on these experimental results. Future prospects are also discussed briefly.