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October 14, 2024 to November 15, 2024
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Examination of the $ \phi-NN $ bound-state problem with HAL QCD $ N-\phi $ potentials

Oct 17, 2024, 3:00 PM
Panasonic Auditorium, Yukawa Hall (YITP)

Panasonic Auditorium, Yukawa Hall


1st and 2nd weeks (Hadron structure and interactions) 1-day Workshop (1st week)


Dr Faisal Etminan (University of Birjand)


The lattice QCD analysis of the HAL QCD Collaboration has recently derived
spin $ 3/2 $ $ N-\phi $ potential based on the $ \left({2+1}\right) $-flavor lattice QCD simulations near the physical point $m_{\pi}\simeq146.4$ MeV and $m_{K}\simeq525$
MeV on a large lattice space- time volume $\simeq\left(8.1\:{\textrm{fm}}\right)^{4}$.
We looked closely at phi-meson $ \left(\phi\right) $ and two nucleons $ \left( NN \right) $ system making use of the HAL QCD Collaboration $ N-\phi $ interactions and the realistic $ NN $ Malfliet-Tjon (MT) potential.
The developed Faddeev three-body calculations for $ (I)J^{\pi}=(0)2^{-}$ $ \phi{-d} $ system in maximum spin lead to ground state binding energy of about $ 7 $ MeV and a matter radius of about $ 8 $ fm. Our results indicate the possibility of the formation of new nuclear clusters.

Primary author

Dr Faisal Etminan (University of Birjand)

Presentation materials